
About this disclaimer
This disclaimer is intended to be read by the user in conjunction with use of the website.

Disclaimer Statement
Millat Homes provides information on its website “millathomes.com” in good faith. The services and information provided on this website are provided “as is” and without warranty.

Millat Homes does not guarantee nor make any claims about the quality, accuracy, suitability or completeness of the site. Users should not rely on opinions expressed throughout the site to make any decisions. Links to other external sites where they might occur from time to time are not to be interpreted as an endorsement or recommendation of another site and Millat Homes will not be held responsible for any information found on a site that Millat Homes links to. Every effort has been made to ensure that the Millat Homes website is secure; however there is no guarantee that the site is error free, virus free and accessible at all times.
You may receive a username and password to access certain areas of the Millat Homes website. It is the responsibility of the user to maintain the confidentiality of both the username and password. Millat Homes is not responsible for any damages caused due to failure of the user to keep confidentiality.
In no event will the employees, directors, board members or contractors of Millat Homes be liable to any party for damages occurred through the use of the Millat Homes website.
Millat Homes abides by the law in Australia in relation to online activities. Users must ensure that they are aware of any local laws which might be applicable to their usage of the site. Millat Homes does not represent that all content is appropriate for all legal jurisdictions.

Changes to this disclaimer
Millat Homes will make changes to this disclaimer as required when new policies or services are introduced. The disclaimer was last updated on the 20 July 2015

Contact us
If you would like further information regarding this Disclaimer Statement please contact Millat Homes through one of the following ways:
e-mail: at info@millathomes.com
Telephone: 0121-2709786, 2955288
Regd. Office : Millat Homes, Hapur Bijli-Bamba By Pass Road, Near P.A.C., Meerut.
Related legal information
Millat Homes directs users to its disclaimer, terms and conditions and copyright pages in relation to the use of the Millat Homes website.